Author: KylePage 23 of 25
The room was pretty eerie.
The whole floor of the room was covered in ice. Keep in mind that this was the second floor.
A warmer version of the first in this series. I took it using manual white balance in an attempt to give the scenery a more serene look. This…
This photo got me into photography in the first place. I entered it into a regional art contest for High School students and won. Found it in my…
I’m not sure if it’s been torn down yet, but the Car Spire was a famous landmark that is to be/has been torn down to make more room…
Not as good as it is cool. This is a shot of the demolition of the Chicago Brach’s plant. The whole event was planned for the upcoming Batman…
As most of you who visit this site regularly (or know me personally)know that I try to shy away from posting heavily post-processed shots on my site. I’ve…
The next few shots are going to be a bit uncharacteristic in relation to what I usually blog. Usually I stick with artwork, but since I’ve been getting…
A shot of a river very near the campsite in the Smoky Mountains.
A shot I took of the Metro in DC.
The longest escalator I’ve ever seen.