Author: KylePage 22 of 25
A beautiful alley in Zurich Switzerland, one of the coolest cities I’ve ever visited in my life.
Not artsy, but still interesting. I rushed out the second I heard he was visiting and caught him on his way out of the local restaurant.
Caught my friends off guard while shooting the abandoned church I so often frequent.
Two cans found in the projector room of an abandoned theater in Gary.
Asked this man if I could take a shot of him playing chess with a friend. He was kind. Said go ahead and started lighting his pipe.
Union Station in Colorado. The almost-night sky turned out so blue in this shot.
Do not try to use this toilet.
Shot taken in an abandoned theater. Very little light.
The snozzberries definitely do not taste like snozzberries.
The lighting on the inside was so different from the outside. It was hard to get a proper picture in there.